Why You Must Join a Cooperative Society in Kenya Today

cooperative societies in Kenya

One powerful strategy for entrepreneurial success in the realm of social entrepreneurship is the formation of cooperatives. Cooperatives are member-owned organizations that operate for the mutual benefit of their members. In the context of investing in business ideas that address social challenges in Africa, cooperatives can be a game-changer.

This post will explore how these informal financial institutions can help individuals, particularly women and youth, who often face barriers in accessing formal financial services.

Understanding Cooperatives in Kenya

Cooperatives are member-owned organizations that operate for the mutual benefit of their members. In Kenya, the cooperative sector is one of the strongest in Africa, controlling approximately 43% of the country’s GDP. With around 15,000 registered cooperatives and approximately 12 million members, these organizations play a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the country.

Types of Cooperatives

  1. Agricultural CooperativesAgricultural cooperatives are vital for smallholder farmers in Kenya. They help members access quality inputs, secure fair prices for their produce, and improve productivity. For instance, initiatives supported by organizations like We Effect have empowered agricultural cooperatives by providing training and resources to enhance market access and productivity. Success stories, such as the Baringo Agricultural Marketing Services Cooperative Society, illustrate how these cooperatives can transform local economies by enabling farmers to process and market their products directly.
  2. Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs)SACCOs are a significant subset of the cooperative movement in Kenya, mobilizing savings and providing loans to members. With savings exceeding KES 230 billion, SACCOs offer an accessible alternative to traditional banking services. They enable members to save collectively and access credit at lower interest rates, making them an essential tool for financial inclusion.

Advantages of Cooperatives

  • Strength in Numbers: By joining forces with like-minded individuals, you can pool resources and share the financial burden of investment.
  • Community-Centered: Cooperatives are deeply rooted in the community, ensuring that the businesses they support are aligned with local needs and values.
  • Empowerment: Cooperatives empower members to participate in the decision-making process actively, creating a sense of ownership and accountability.
  • Risk Mitigation: Cooperatives distribute risks among members, reducing the individual financial burden of investments.
  • Access to Resources: Cooperatives can access funding, training, and support from governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  • Sustainability: With their focus on social good and mutual benefit, cooperatives are built for long-term sustainability.

How to Form a Cooperative

  1. Identify Like-Minded Individuals: Find over 10 people who share your passion for social change and are interested in investing for both profit and purpose.
  2. Define Your Mission: Clearly outline the social challenges you intend to address and set specific goals for your cooperative. e.g increase food production
  3. Legal Structure: Register your cooperative as a legal entity in your respective country. Seek legal advice to ensure compliance with regulations.
  4. Membership and Governance: Define membership rules and establish a governance structure that allows all members to participate in decision-making.
  5. Invest Wisely: Pool your resources and invest in businesses that align with your cooperative’s mission.
  6. Continuous Learning: Stay informed about best practices and strategies for success in social entrepreneurship. Share knowledge and experiences among cooperative members.


Cooperatives provide a powerful mechanism for unity and shared success. Through cooperative efforts, you can address Africa’s pressing issues, contribute to sustainable development, and reap the rewards of profit with a purpose.

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